Monday, September 6, 2010

Truly Honored

Last week we had a new stylist start working at the salon. His name is Dan and he moved into the vacant station next to me. I was having a conversation with my client about my jewelry and Dan asked me if I every used old jewelry.

He then told us that his mom passed away when he was 11 in 1970. He said he was given his moms jewelry box. He said he tried to give it to his aunt but she didn't really wear jewelry. He's kept it on his dresser ever since.

When I came to work on Friday a big bag of goodies was waiting for me on my station. I am so honored that Dan would give me his moms jewelry that he has had for 40 years after only knowing me for 4 days.

I've made a few rings with some of the broken pieces, but some of the pieces are so pretty I'm not sure if I want to reassemble them. I also think it's something about knowing the history of the jewelry that makes me want to keep the pieces as they are and on my dresser for 40 years.

In any case, I really feel special, and here's a few of my favorite pieces. A blue and white beaded necklace and bracelet set, turtle and frog pins, and a pair of creamy bead pearl earrings.

Thanks for letting me share,Until next time,Peace and Love-The Gypsy.

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