Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Better Late Than Never-Not Always

The down side of being creative is sometimes your ideas come to late. That has been my situation this week. I came up with an idea for some necklaces using pewter ransom letters. I first used the letters a while back designing some shadow boxes for my daughters co-workers at her salon. Then I thought I was oh so cleaver to use the scrap booking letters to make my "Held Captive " line of jewelry. The down side was each pack of letters only had one of each vowel, which left me with a lot of unused letters and a lack of enthusiasm

Now months later I've envisioned a line of hair and nail pendants using the ransom letters, so I go to the store and to my dismay the line that carries the letters has been discontinued-OH NO! I found one pack in the clearance bin, so I have been all over town(buying all kinds of goodies that have nothing to do with what I'm searching for)in the Arizona heat from store to store and to no avail.

So here's my limited addition pendants,if you love them grab them,Christmas is a coming. They will be spread out between my Etsy store and my Art Fire store.

Until Next Time, Peace and Love-The Gypsy

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wire Queen aka Michelle S. Hawkins

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Michelle S. Hawkins aka Wire Queen. I see why she's called the Wire Queen. Her work is royally beautiful! She sculpts wire designed jewelry in 14k Gold and Sterling Silver.
I've been to her web sites and the pieces are much more beautiful in person!

Here are a few of my favorite pieces. I really love rings and she has some unusual designs. She will also custom make any size if you don't see it listed.

First I love the oversized tablet ring called "Chinese writing stones"

My next favorites are her "spinner" rings. These rings have round stones or crystal that sit up on the setting and will spin if you give them a swipe. The ones pictured are made of Amber,Australian Crystal and New Jade.

I've also pictured her best selling ring the Cowrie shell ring,beautifully caged in Sterling Silver.

Here's Michelle's info, check her out, buy yourself a "I deserve it" piece of jewelry.
Until next time,Peace and Love, The Gypsy

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

gingerkittydesigns-nails-magazine.jpgI I am so happy to have a write up in the August issue of NAIL'S Magazine. They did a feature on ETSY sellers with nail related products. Everyone has wonderful stuff so check them out!

Until later,Peace and Love-The Gypsy

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Antique Shopping

I love going to the antique stores. I usually go once a week. I go looking for pieces that I can use in my designs, but sometimes I see pieces that make me what to change my whole decor.

This bedroom set would make change a whole room! It is gorgeous! Lucky for me that they don't deliver and I live up stairs. Even the string picture of the rooster caught my eye.

I did come across some great finds that I will show you the before and after. I haven't decided if I am going to sell them in my shop or keep the for my Christmas Craft shows.

Although I don't smoke I love these ashtrays for your purse! These were very tarnished and were missing crystals. I polished them and added vintage crystals. I left some of the wear so they would still have a vintage feel.

This cigarette holder is so great I'm trying to figure an alternative use for it so that I can keep it for myself. this is the first one I've come across and I haven't started working on it yet, but when I do you'll be the first to see it!

Until next time- Peace and Love- The Gypsy!