Wednesday, July 28, 2010

IS IT Me Or Have I Been Tricked ?

Just yesterday I received a package of goodies I had been waiting for, aqua blue vintage crystals in a gold setting. To my horror and surprise that were very damaged. I ordered 10-10 were damaged.The gold foil on the back that gives the crystal the reflective shine was missing in great chunks as you see in the photos.

I took pictures and wrote the seller to ask if I'd over looked the part in the description that said they were in that bad of condition. I've bought vintage before but it was always "new" vintage.

This is the reply I received: "The missing foil is mentioned in the description.They are new in the sense that they've never been used. Any damage has occurred over time as they get jostled around in their package". I was offered a refund or exchange.

I go to the site to read the description: " The stone has crisp faceting and foil back that reflects the light for a dazzling effect. There is a slight bit of foil missing but the stone is sparkling and beautiful! I just went back to the site to quote what she said exactly, and she has changed the description to tell of the missing foil as a straight fact.

Even so ,even stated, the pictures on the site were misleading, having a back ground close in color so that only after knowing can you see the missing foil. How could you in good faith send these out?
Is it just me, or was I tricked?
Until next time,Peace and love,The Gypsy

Thursday, July 15, 2010

M&Ms With Faces

There are still a lot of people who don't know that you can buy M&Ms with faces on them-I was hoping that my friend was one of the ones not in the know.

She has a mile stone birthday coming up so I wanted to do something special- so I ordered her Purple M&Ms with her face on them.

I went on- line to the M&M website. For my price range I could order 4 bags with 1 face picture or 3 bags with two faces. Since the cool part is the faces, I ordered the two faces. You also get two lines of verbiage , I put her name and Happy Birthday.

The day the package arrived, I was so worried the M&Ms would melt in my care, and excited for her to see them, that I insisted that she allow me to give her my present early. I convinced her by saying that the present needs to sit on her station at work for all to see and everyone would know it was her birthday with out her bringing it up, -now the fun begins.

She loved loved absolutely loved the M&Ms, more than I would have thought possible. They came in a big brown box with white insulation for keeping them cool. She carried that box everywhere she went that day and the next ,out to eat,to church,to visit friends. She never opened not one bag, and I kept saying open one bag you have 4, (they gave me a free bag) put them in a jar.

Well today she finally opened one bag and put the M&Ms into a glass jar to sit on her station. Taking the jar with her when she left work, the jar fell off the car seat hit the floor and the M&Ms went everywhere. Just that quick in the Arizona sun, she said she felt them crumbling in her hand no longer solid, and she watched her face distorting and melting off the candy. I guess now the other 3 bags of M&Ms will be in the freezer like the first slice of wedding cake waiting for the next milestone birthday.

Needless to say I gave her the best gift and the best way to ruin it.

Until next time-Peace and Love- The Gypsy

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Hot Arizona- Part One

Everybody knows that it's hot in Arizona,you see it on t.v. ,you hear it on the news or maybe your cousins cousin visited Arizona and man was it hot! well I'm going to share a little of my hot Arizona.

I've been here 13 years from Michigan and I swear it gets hotter and hotter each year. They say your blood thins out and that's the excuse I use now for always complaining about the heat.

I took pictures of the billboard displaying the temp on my way to work and on my way home.

A six degree drop in temp-in almost 6 hours-I better run and get my coat!

There is also a picture of the sun at about high noon,and the sky after the sun has gone down.

Some things that happened to me since I've been in the valley of the sun back when I didn't think it was that hot here and why was everybody always complaining?

I had my favorite pair of sun glasses melt,when I first moved here, because I left them on the dashboard when I came back ...soup,
Then I had a six pack of root beer explode in my car, can you imagine cleaning sticky soda out of an air vent?

Also I've had several burns from touching the metal on the seat belts,hot leather on seats with shorts on,hot door get the picture.

But I'm not going to complain any more{well not loudly} because today at the 110 degree point, I saw a homeless man laying in the grass( under the shade at least) and the heat didn't seem to bother him at all. So as I write this in my home with my air on and my fan blowing, I guess I won't complain much at all.

Until next time-Peace and Love- The Gypsy

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pretty Packages

I absolutely love getting packages in the mail. Part of the thrill is opening the outer box to see how my goodies are wrapped.
Once I received one of those flat rate envelopes with my items just loose inside-What!-no tissue or anything, I could not Believe it ,not hating but maybe if I were( or when I become) super busy and had so so so many sales, maybe I would just have time to throw each order in an envelope and sent it on it's way-Not!

Here's one way that I try and make my packages pretty.
First I use cello packages,I have a lot that I bought at the Tucson bead show a couple of years ago,in several different sizes even extra large-but I've found them at Jo-Ann's and they come in two different sizes.
Then I use scrap book paper. I like the two sided sheets,with designs on both sides. I also like the thicker sheets that have more form . You can also use newspaper,paper bags,wrapping paper or any nice pattered paper you may have around the house.

Next I cut the paper to fit inside the cello bag,(If you want to get really fancy you can use scissors with the scalloped edges), and there you have pretty packages,for jewelry,supplies or whatever other little trinket you'd like to send.
Until next time-Peace and Love-The Gypsy

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bling I-Phone Cases

This is my first post and I thought I would do it on something I love. I love the I-phone- love-love love!
I have been bling-ing out cases since the phone came out. You can find them on line
The cases in the pictures are recycled 3GS phone
cases, I thought with the 4G out, and since they are lowering the price of the 3GS, there will be a lot of new I-Phone Diva's who will need some bling!
These cases have all the girly stuff we love, diamonds,pearls,and flowers.
The down side, not only will you be trying to protect your phone, but now you'll be trying to protect your case that's protecting your phone- such is your life as a cover girl.

I will have a lot of new cases in the up coming weeks, all one of a kind designs. Let me know what you think!
Peace and Love-The Gypsy