Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Hot Arizona- Part One

Everybody knows that it's hot in Arizona,you see it on t.v. ,you hear it on the news or maybe your cousins cousin visited Arizona and man was it hot! well I'm going to share a little of my hot Arizona.

I've been here 13 years from Michigan and I swear it gets hotter and hotter each year. They say your blood thins out and that's the excuse I use now for always complaining about the heat.

I took pictures of the billboard displaying the temp on my way to work and on my way home.

A six degree drop in temp-in almost 6 hours-I better run and get my coat!

There is also a picture of the sun at about high noon,and the sky after the sun has gone down.

Some things that happened to me since I've been in the valley of the sun back when I didn't think it was that hot here and why was everybody always complaining?

I had my favorite pair of sun glasses melt,when I first moved here, because I left them on the dashboard when I came back ...soup,
Then I had a six pack of root beer explode in my car, can you imagine cleaning sticky soda out of an air vent?

Also I've had several burns from touching the metal on the seat belts,hot leather on seats with shorts on,hot door get the picture.

But I'm not going to complain any more{well not loudly} because today at the 110 degree point, I saw a homeless man laying in the grass( under the shade at least) and the heat didn't seem to bother him at all. So as I write this in my home with my air on and my fan blowing, I guess I won't complain much at all.

Until next time-Peace and Love- The Gypsy

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