Monday, July 5, 2010

Bling I-Phone Cases

This is my first post and I thought I would do it on something I love. I love the I-phone- love-love love!
I have been bling-ing out cases since the phone came out. You can find them on line
The cases in the pictures are recycled 3GS phone
cases, I thought with the 4G out, and since they are lowering the price of the 3GS, there will be a lot of new I-Phone Diva's who will need some bling!
These cases have all the girly stuff we love, diamonds,pearls,and flowers.
The down side, not only will you be trying to protect your phone, but now you'll be trying to protect your case that's protecting your phone- such is your life as a cover girl.

I will have a lot of new cases in the up coming weeks, all one of a kind designs. Let me know what you think!
Peace and Love-The Gypsy

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