Wednesday, July 28, 2010

IS IT Me Or Have I Been Tricked ?

Just yesterday I received a package of goodies I had been waiting for, aqua blue vintage crystals in a gold setting. To my horror and surprise that were very damaged. I ordered 10-10 were damaged.The gold foil on the back that gives the crystal the reflective shine was missing in great chunks as you see in the photos.

I took pictures and wrote the seller to ask if I'd over looked the part in the description that said they were in that bad of condition. I've bought vintage before but it was always "new" vintage.

This is the reply I received: "The missing foil is mentioned in the description.They are new in the sense that they've never been used. Any damage has occurred over time as they get jostled around in their package". I was offered a refund or exchange.

I go to the site to read the description: " The stone has crisp faceting and foil back that reflects the light for a dazzling effect. There is a slight bit of foil missing but the stone is sparkling and beautiful! I just went back to the site to quote what she said exactly, and she has changed the description to tell of the missing foil as a straight fact.

Even so ,even stated, the pictures on the site were misleading, having a back ground close in color so that only after knowing can you see the missing foil. How could you in good faith send these out?
Is it just me, or was I tricked?
Until next time,Peace and love,The Gypsy

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